Tuesday, November 29, 2005

tree rings

I thought of something else! You see, I have to think of PURPOSES for my blog, so I feel like I'm not wasting my time. My other purpose, besides showing off, is to give others "insight" and "understanding" into the life of someone like me. An ecology graduate student. A Southern, white, middle-class, borderline hemi-hippy (don't you EVER call me that) female in her 20's. I feel like most people aren't really that interested in gaining insight and understanding of someone like me, but you know I do have adventures from time to time. So, for starters, sometimes I spend hours staring at these (see above). Yes, that's right. It does get tiring after awhile, but they are beautiful. That's from an American chestnut, by the way. About 30 years old (give or take) and can be held in the palm of my hand. Ain't life grand....

Sunday, November 27, 2005

This is not a journal. Not really. Its purpose (which I feel compelled to make clear) is NOT self-expression nor self-exploration nor historical/autobiographical documentation. If I had any such intention or desire to write writing of that nature, I would write it, with my favorite ball-point pen, in my private little green journal book. This gab in HERE also has a purpose: to show off. Why else would I self-publish my writing on the INTERNET for all eyes to read that maybe cared even just a little? I generally do not consider myself a show-off nor an attention monger nor a high-on-my-horse-preacher-type nor an internet-resorting creepy lonely soul, but I couldn’t resist. I should really give recognition to my dear old friend, Amanda. Amanda told me she reads her friends’ blog journals, and she -gasp!- enjoys them. For Amanda, reading blog journals also serves a purpose: procrastination. Amanda, I am only trying to help your cause. I dedicate this blog spot to you and everyone else. I hope y’all enjoy. Here it comes: Adventure! Poetry! Whining! Sarcasm! Slapstick! Witticisms! Scientific discoveries! New inventions! Eccentricities! Word play! Daydreams! Drama! ...etcetera.