Sunday, November 27, 2005

This is not a journal. Not really. Its purpose (which I feel compelled to make clear) is NOT self-expression nor self-exploration nor historical/autobiographical documentation. If I had any such intention or desire to write writing of that nature, I would write it, with my favorite ball-point pen, in my private little green journal book. This gab in HERE also has a purpose: to show off. Why else would I self-publish my writing on the INTERNET for all eyes to read that maybe cared even just a little? I generally do not consider myself a show-off nor an attention monger nor a high-on-my-horse-preacher-type nor an internet-resorting creepy lonely soul, but I couldn’t resist. I should really give recognition to my dear old friend, Amanda. Amanda told me she reads her friends’ blog journals, and she -gasp!- enjoys them. For Amanda, reading blog journals also serves a purpose: procrastination. Amanda, I am only trying to help your cause. I dedicate this blog spot to you and everyone else. I hope y’all enjoy. Here it comes: Adventure! Poetry! Whining! Sarcasm! Slapstick! Witticisms! Scientific discoveries! New inventions! Eccentricities! Word play! Daydreams! Drama! ...etcetera.


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